Borrowing Availability Service
What this Rule Does:
Looks at Borrowing Requests with an ISBN or OCLC# in Awaiting Request Processing and:
- Checks your library's catalog to determine if you own the material. If you own the material:
- Determines if the item is checked out.
- Applies multiple rules to check if item is in specific collections, such as course reserves, that would prompt a borrowing staff to cancel or review the request.
- Multiple availability settings are possible, just as with Lending Availability Service, and the configuration will be facilitated with the IDS staff who sets up your site.
- If item is deemed "not available" at your library, request is sent to Awaiting Direct Request Sending to be sent out as an OCLC request via Direct Request.
- If item is "available" at your library, call # and location are filled in, and the transaction is routed to the designated queue in borrowing or document delivery. Default is Awaiting DD Stacks Searching in Document Delivery.
Why would you want to use this Rule?
- Allows libraries to take full advantage of Direct Request for loans and not review the requests that owned by your library, but not available. Many libraries, concerned with borrowing via ILL items they own, select "Route to Review" "If Held by Your Institution" in their direct request profile in resource sharing settings.
- Allows libraries to put more Resource Sharing options for lendable items in their discovery tools such as the OPAC, with the ability to further automate processing after the reqeust is made.
What is needed to use this Rule?
- Be an active user of IDS Logic
- Be on at least version 8.5 of ILLiad to add flag.
- If a shared server, the code for what NVTGC you would like the rule to run on.
- Complete configuration for your borrowing availability rules with IDS Staff member or mentor.